Neben diversen Bugfixes führt der Treiber auch zu besserer Leistung in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Batman: Arkham City und Rage. Wer beispielsweise eine einzelne Grafikkarte für Skyrim nutzt, erhält 2 bis 7 Prozent Mehrleistung. Es wurde ein Crash gefixed, der bei Multi-Sample-Anti-Aliasing mit der Radeon HD 6970-Serie auftrat. Für das kommende Batman: Arkham City gibt es bessere Performance unter DirectX 11 und unter Battlefield 3 wurde ein Crash behoben, der bei speziellen Kameraeinstellungen auftrat.
• Batman Arkham City
- Improves DirectX 11 performance for single GPU configurations
• Rage
- Enables AMD CrossfireX performance scaling
- Resolves a number of image / stability issues seen with the title:
x Fix geometry corruption, sometimes seen in Bash TV entrance
x Fix issues with Low-memory conditions on 32bit systems.
x Fix issue with extreme corruption with missing textures on 32bit systems.
x Fix memory leaks when deleting/reusing sync objects.
x Fix hitching and pausing, especially noticeable on some Quad Core systems when doing races and Stanley Express runs.
x Fix some missing shadows
• Elder Scrolls Skyrim
- Improves performance 2-7% on single GPU configurations
- Resolve corruption seen when enabling Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing on the AMD Radeon HD 6970 Series
- Disables CrossFireX (to resolve negative scaling and image quality issues seen when CrossFireX is enabled)
x AMD is continuing to work on a CrossFireX solution for Skyrim - as soon as it's ready we'll make it publicly available
• Battlefield 3
- Resolves intermittent corruption seen when playing the game at specific camera angles